Wondering why you need to know about the best detox products like Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo and Zydot Ultra Clean? We’ll tell you the exact reason. Corporate work has moved on from what it used to be, and these days, organizations demand more from their staff. Therefore, you will often see staff researching how to pass a hair drug test. But why a hair drug test? Because it’s the most thorough test for drugs. Unlike urine drug tests, this one goes deep to discover drug use from several weeks ago. That’s why many employers are switching to using of hair instead of urine.
Notwithstanding, people have pulled through this type of test before. You can too, if you know what to do. In this article, we’ll review everything you should know about a hair drug test and reveal trusted products like Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo and Zydot Ultra Clean, which are designed to help you feel more prepared and confident for your test.
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Our #1 Choice
Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo + Zydot Ultra Clean |
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Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo |
Understanding the Hair Follicle Drug Test
From its name, we can see that a hair follicle drug test is designed to identify the presence of drugs in the system by reviewing hair samples. The test also checks for drug metabolites in the body.
How does it work? Drug consumption and digestion work like the digestion of any other food. As it breaks down, its metabolites enter the bloodstream, where they circulate to different parts of the body. The drug particles (metabolites) also adopt this process to travel to the hair follicles, where they remain and grow with the hair. As for the answer to the question of how long is marijuana detected in hair follicle drug tests, we’d say it’s dependent on certain factors that will be discussed in subsequent sections.
Now that you know how the metabolites get to the hair follicles, we need to deal with a common misunderstanding that people have about this method. The test is not conducted on hair follicles. Instead, the test collection process involves cutting the hair very close to the scalp. However, only the hair strands are tested, not the follicles. If the follicle is to be tested as popularly believed, then the collection process would involve “plucking” the hair rather than cutting it, and you know how uncomfortable that can be. Fortunately, detox shampoos offer effective solutions for those concerned about hair tests, providing peace of mind and confidence.
How Long Does Weed Stay in a Hair Follicle?
How long does cannabis stay in the hair follicle? Most people will say 90 days. The average time weed stays in the hair depends on many factors, one of which is the level of exposure. That said, here’s a table that offers the time frames in which you can expect weed to stay in your hair based on exposure.
Weed exposure level | Detection window |
Single/occasional use | Around 90 days |
Moderate usage (1-3 times weekly) | Around 90 days |
Regular usage (4-6 times weekly) | Around 90 days |
Heavy usage (daily) | Around 90 days |
What the Hair Follicle Drug Test Examines
We already know that hair tests for THC will detect drugs in the hair. But that’s not all. These tests use cutoff levels to indicate the availability or unavailability of specific drugs in your system. One of the popular uses of drug tests is to screen potential employees. The industry standard for conducting tests for this purpose involves a two-tier testing method. This means there’ll be an initial screening on one part of the hair specimen before a second test is conducted on another part for confirmation purposes. Luckily, products like Aloe Toxin Rid and Zydot offer hope for those looking to pass hair tests, providing an extra layer of confidence in challenging situations.
A negative result usually differs from a positive result based on the cutoff levels of the drug. So, when a result comes back negative, it doesn’t mean the complete absence of drugs. Instead, it means that in the case of detection, the detected quantity is below the cutoff levels.
Please note that the cut-off levels are measured in picograms (PG) per milligram (MG). Here’s a table with the cutoff levels of different drugs.
Drug class | ELISA test cutoff | GC-MS cut off |
Marijuana | 1 PG/MG hair | 0.30 PG/MG hair |
Opiates | 300 PG/MG hair | 300 PG/MG hair |
Amphetamines | 500 PG/MG hair | 500 PG/MG hair |
Cocaine | 500 PG/MG hair | 500 PG/MG hair |
PCP | 300 PG/MG hair | 300 PG/MG hair |
Hair Follicle Drug Test Procedures
The procedure for hair follicle drug testing is simple and straight to the point. It involves preparation and actual testing. The test can happen in a lab, at the workplace, or at home.
Before the Test
The test is non-invasive, so it doesn’t require special precautions. Still, it’s important to report to the attendant if you’ve taken any medicine or hair products that may influence your result negatively.
During the Test
The sample-collection process involves cutting a lock of hair from the back of your head. The sample hair is usually around the thickness of a pencil and from around the scalp area. The standard is for the sample hair to measure around 1.5 inches. This sample is collectible from any part of the body.
We typically recommend supervised drug testing because they’ll typically request full disclosure of recent hair and beauty treatments, as well as current medical conditions and medications. They’ll also explain available options to you and help walk you through the process. For those looking to prepare their hair before testing, products like Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid and Zydot Ultra Clean have received positive feedback from users seeking to cleanse their hair thoroughly.
If you do not want to go to the lab, you can use home hair drug testing kits to collect hair samples and mail them to a lab attendant for the test. This option makes sense for people who may want to be sure of their chances before going for a supervised test.
Interpreting Drug Test Results
Most labs will report hair drug test results in the simplest manner possible—positive or negative. A positive result means that there are drug metabolites in your hair. A negative result means the opposite. Some laboratories use the 12 panel hair follicle drug test.
The laboratory methods used for drug testing are broadly categorized into two:
- Initial test method
- Confirmatory test method.
The initial test method, known as immunoassay, is the most common method you’ll see in many laboratories. However, this method only provides preliminary results. It shows which drugs’ presence surpassed their cutoffs. This method may not be 100% fail-proof, so most laboratories will adopt the second method, which involves a more definitive process to confirm positive results.
The confirmatory test method uses chromatography-mass spectrometry to identify and measure specific drugs in a given sample.
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Our #1 Choice
Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo + Zydot Ultra Clean |
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Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo |
Factors Influencing Toxin Retention
Before the test, many people ask questions like, “How long does it take weed to get out of your hair?” Well, it depends on several factors. Here are some of them:
- Body mass index, or BMI, is a person’s weight in kilograms divided by the square of their height in meters. In essence, how fat or slim you are can influence your drug detoxification speed. People with a higher BMI have more metabolite storage space and can retain drug metabolites in their system longer.
- Gender: the detox process itself may not differ significantly between men and women, considering the similarity of the physical process. However, varying features like fat content, stress levels, and work adaptability in both genders can affect detoxification speed.
- Genetics and metabolic rates: humans generally have different genetic compositions, and this genetic variability may affect how the detox enzyme works, thus impacting the body’s sensitivity to toxic substances.
- Frequency of drug usage: First, it’s important to note that the mode of drug usage affects how long it lasts in the system. Frequency of usage is also a thing, and that’s why a regular user may experience a different detoxification process than a one-off user.
Pre-Test Preparations: What to Avoid
First and foremost, it is important to abstain from drug use for at least 90 days before the drug testing date. At least this way, you can know that your body has naturally gotten rid of drug metabolites and all toxins that may cause you to fail a drug test. You should also note that certain conditioners and shampoos, like Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo and Zydot Ultra Clean, can alter the test results. Bleaching and heavy hair treatments can also temper the detection period of the drug in your hair. Furthermore, avoid incorporating false “tips” for passing a drug test. Remember that the sure way to pass a drug test is by completely avoiding drug use. However, if you must use tips that can help you, use the tips below to increase your chances of quick detoxification and prepare yourself for the test.
Mastering Hair Detoxification
Apart from completely abstaining from drug usage, one of the surefire ways to prepare for a hair drug test is by detoxifying. A hair detox is a complete 360° reset designed to enrich the scalp, remove excess buildup, and encourage healthy hair growth. However, if you must detox, you must be sure you’re using the right product. Of course, there are many detox products available today, but not all of them are effective. Here, let’s review two of the best detoxification products you’ll find on the market:
- Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid
- Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo
Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Review
The Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid, manufactured by TestClear, is a unique and specially formulated shampoo designed to remove toxins from the hair strands. This shampoo is a mix of natural ingredients, and its core duty is to break down toxins present in and around the hair. The manufacturer’s 25 years of experience show in the way this shampoo washes away toxins and other metabolites from the hair. No wonder it’s often recommended as the perfect option for helping people who have been exposed to toxins due to their daily encounters with drugs and environmental pollutants.
Usage Steps
This deep cleansing formula doesn’t harm the hair, but it still requires careful application for the best results. Here, take a look at our recommended steps for applying the Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo:
- Start by wetting your hair and applying regular shampoo to it.
- Massage the shampoo into your hair properly before rinsing it out with clean water.
- Apply a dime-size amount of Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo and massage it into the hair.
- Allow it to soak into the hair for 15 minutes before rinsing it out with lukewarm water.
- End by applying regular conditioner to the hair.
- Repeat it up to 15 times for the best result.
- Easy to use
- Aloe Toxin Rid contains all-natural ingredients that won’t harm the hair’s texture
- Quick fix for preparing yourself for a hair drug test
- Doesn’t have any known side effects.
- Less chemical content.
- Needs additional detox products for better cleaning
- Quite expensive.
Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo
Here’s another option that works for the breaking down and removal of toxins and other chemical buildup from the hair. Users often testify of its efficacy in removing drug metabolites and preparing them for a drug test. The product consists of a shampoo, a conditioner, and a purifier that work together to remove chemical buildup from the hair.
Usage Steps
- Shampoo your hair with half of the total content of the Zydot satchel. Massage the shampoo into your hair in a circular motion before rinsing with lukewarm water.
- Add the whole satchel of purifier to your hair around the scalp area. Use a new comb to run the purifier into your hair. Allow for a while before rinsing.
- Apply the remaining half of the of the shampoo in the same manner you did in step one above.
- Apply and massage the conditioner into your hair. Allow for about 3 minutes, and rinse thoroughly.
- Relatively affordable
- Easy to use
- Reliable manufacturer
- Contains aloe vera and other useful ingredients
- Artificial ingredients may cause certain side effects
- Needs additional products for better efficiency.
Strategies to Pass Hair Strand Drug Tests
Often, when we ask questions like, “How long is marijuana detected in a hair follicle drug test?” it’s because we want the quickest way to remove drug toxins from our way. But don’t forget, the strategy you adopt can be a game changer as you prepare for your hair strand drug test. Here, let’s review two of the most popular detoxification and drug test preparation methods:
The Macujo Method – A Step-by-Step Solution
The Macujo Method, named after its inventor, is an intensive hair-cleaning procedure that works for the removal of drug metabolites from the hair follicles. Its main working principle involves the breaking down and removal of drug metabolites from the deepest parts of the hair. This detoxification procedure demands absolute precision, considering how costly a little misstep can be to the process.
What’s Required
Before starting this method, it’s important to have the right tools for it. That said, here’s everything you need for the Macujo method of hair detoxification:
- Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo
- Heinz white vinegar
- Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo
- Tide Liquid Detergent
- Clean & Clear Deep Cleansing
- PPE (personal protective equipment)
- Water
Steps Involved:
- Wet your hair completely with somewhat warm water.
- Put a large quantity of vinegar into your damp hair, making sure it reaches the scalp. Use gloves to keep your hands safe throughout the application.
- When the vinegar is still in your hair, use Clean & Clear Deep Cleansing and thoroughly massage it into your hair.
- Wrap your hair securely with cling film to let the ingredients soak in, then wait around 45 minutes.
- Clean the shampoo from your hair well with warm water, continuing until it is clean.
- Apply an ample quantity of Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo or Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo to your hair, massaging it into each strand with your fingertips.
- Let the product sit on the hair for around 5 minutes before washing it with Tide Liquid Detergent and scrubbing well to get a clean scalp.
The Jerry G Method – An Alternative Approach
As its name implies, this method of detoxification was invented by Jerry G. Similar to the Macujo method, it uses a combination of ingredients and products to eliminate traces of THC metabolites from the hair. However, in this case, you’ll also need bleach and dye since its main objective is to damage the hair strands. Note that you’ll need to perform this process for at least ten days to effectively remove all traces of drugs from your hair.
Some of the items needed for the procedure include:
- Bleach
- Baking soda
- Toxin wash shampoo
- Ultra Clean Shampoo
- Permanent hair dye.
Steps Involved
You’ll need to stop active drug usage for at least ten days before you take a drug test.
- Start by bleaching and dying your hair with a permanent dye that contains ammonia.
- Use Zydot Ultra Clean shampoo or any detox shampoo of your choice. Massage thoroughly and rinse.
- After ten days, repeat the process: bleach, color, detox cleanser, and wash.
- On the day of the test, apply baking soda paste to your hair and let it stay for about 15 minutes before rinsing it out.
Debunking Common Myths
Myths often morph into facts in drug forums. The purpose of these popular myths may be good, but they can lead to grave consequences. Some of the popular myths we’ve heard about drug testing in the recent past include:
Bleaching Your Hair Will Remove Drug Metabolites
Drug metabolites typically go into the inner parts of your hair shaft, where bleach cannot reach. While hair bleach alters the hair’s appearance, it does not eliminate the drug metabolites.
Shaving Your Hair Will Facilitate Positive Results
Hair follicle tests can be completed with any kind of hair from any part of the body. So, since shaving does not eliminate the presence of drug metabolites from your body, rest assured that the lab attendant will find hair from another part of the body. On the bright side, many people have found success using products like Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo and Zydot Ultra Clean to help prepare for such tests, giving them peace of mind.
Immediate Drug Cessation Can Help You Pass A Drug Test
Quitting drug use right before your test schedule will not help your case. Hair drug tests are among the most comprehensive types of tests. Thus, they can detect drug use for up to 3 months. So, if you quit shortly before your test, you may not have enough time to get rid of drug metabolites before your test.
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Our #1 Choice
Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo + Zydot Ultra Clean |
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Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo |
Frequently Asked Questions
Will I Pass a Hair Drug Test If I Smoked Once?
Yes, it’s possible to pass a hair drug test after smoking just once. However, it’s under probability and depends on the timing of the test.
What Are the Best Detox Products to Pass a Hair Drug Test?
There are many different shampoos presumably capable of fully detoxifying your hair currently on the market. However, we recommend you to use only the most reliable, safe, and effective ones, Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo and Zydot Ultra Clean. Numerous customer reviews praise their high quality and depict them as the best solutions for passing hair drug tests.
How Long Does It Take for a Hair Follicle Drug Test to Come Back?
The length of time it’ll take for your hair follicle drug test depends on many factors, including the lab, workload, processing time, and test type.
How Far Back Can Hair Drug Testing Detect Drugs?
Unlike most other drug tests, hair testing has a very long detection period. It can typically detect drug usage for up to 90 days.
Is There a Reliable Home Remedy for Passing Hair Drug Tests?
Unfortunately, there is none. All home remedies popularized via the Internet are ineffective and can’t guarantee that you’ll pass your hair drug test. We recommend you to use specialized products like Zydot Ultra Clean to get the desired results.
There you have it: everything you should know about a hair drug test. More employers are now switching to this type of drug test because of its reliability and long drug detection window. Thus, you need to know how to pass a hair drug test before your scheduled interview. So far, in this article, we’ve reviewed some of the best methods for passing a hair drug test and recommended the best hair detox shampoo for a drug test, such as Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo and Zydot Ultra Clean. Hopefully, you can carefully utilize these products to improve your chances of passing your hair drug test.